

A woman has to go through a lot of health issues in her entire life from puberty to pregnancy and then from childbirth to menopause. Providing the best quality diagnostic, therapeutic, surgical and counselling facilities for women is very crucial.

Bendre Gynaecology Hospital is the best one-stop centre for all the female healthcare issues. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality care to women of all ages and in all stages of life. We understand every woman’s physiology, emotions and concerns, this deep connection with our patients, help us offer better gynaecology services to them.

Our gynaecology clinic offers world-class gynaecology services and comprehensive medical & surgical care to women with diseases related to the reproductive system. Our team of qualified and experienced professionals, obstetricians, gynaecologists serves the patients with specialized medical assistance. Our special care plans offer the special and customized checkups based on the age and specific needs of the women.

Our expert gynaecology specialists who are always up to date in all the methods of female contraception provide individualized consultation referring to their individual needs, preferences and medical conditions.